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Discover Cherry Hill Mall

Discover Cherry Hill Mall

Cherry Hill Mall utilizes License Plate Reader (LPR) technology for the purpose for Crime Prevention and Law Enforcement Investigations. LPR data is NOT used by the mall or third parties for marketing solicitations or target marketing.

Crime Prevention and Investigation

Real-time LPR data may be shared with local law enforcement for the purposes of detecting stolen vehicles, stolen license plates, and/or potentially “wanted” persons.

LPR may be used to detect vehicles known to be associated with persons that have been banned from the property.

LPR may be used to assist in detecting vehicles that are suspected of being associated with a recent crime or investigation.

LPR historical data may be used to assist law enforcement with criminal investigations.

What is the LPR data collected by the readers?

LPR data is collected automatically when a vehicle drives by an LPR sensor and the license plate is read.

The LPR system must be turned on at the time.

LPR reads are not 100% accurate and may require a visual verification between the LPR data that was read and the actual license plate.

This can be accomplished by comparing the photograph of the vehicle taken by the LPR system at the time of the read, or by looking at the actual vehicle.

We can never expect the LPR system to provide 100% inventory of all vehicles in the parking lot at any specific time.

Data reads include the license plate number, a photograph of the license plate (which may include parts of the vehicle surrounding the license plate), the location of the vehicle, and the time of date of the read. This same information can be observed by any person walking through the parking lot. Personally identifiable information (PII) is not paired with license plate reads in the LPR system.

Unless otherwise specified by law, license plate data reads are maintained by the LPR system for 30 days and then automatically deleted.

Real-time detection of wanted vehicles is facilitated through our third-party LPR provider. LPR provider has access to National Crime Information Center (NCIC) databases through their working relations and agreements with law enforcement. If a wanted vehicle is detected, the automated system has the capability to notify local law enforcement, NCIC does not notify us through the LPR system.

We will share LPR data if required by a Court Order. We may share LPR data with law enforcement or a business partner assisting us with an internal mall security investigation.

Personnel with access to the LPR system may include the on-site security staff that operate the system, the mall management staff, and members of the PREIT Corporate team. These users each have unique user names and passwords.